Sunday, 28 April 2024

Journey to Italy


What can one get out from a voyage to an unknown place? Other than immersing yourself in the scenery and culture of the undiscovered country, a spiritual awakening can be the most precious souvenir to the soul. If you are asking for such an experience, you are invited: Roberto Rossellini’s ‘Journey to Italy’ (1954) will certainly be a satisfying one!

‘Journey to Italy’ is an important film in the middle era of Rossellini’s directorial career, sandwiched between his Neo-Realist cinema of the 1940s and the clinical docudramas of the 1960s. This film is an acid test for distinguishing between contrasting beliefs and cinematic taste. When it premiered, it divided critics and audience alike. The traditional filmmakers and members of audience hated the style of the film, and the film performed poorly financially. Rather, it was the young generations of the filmmakers – in particular the French New Wave – that got the meaning of the film and lauded it as a masterpiece. Now ‘Journey to Italy’ is seen as one of Rossellini’s greatest achievement. Furthermore, the film illustrates the gradual evolution of Rossellini’s style. From his strong commitment to realism in his earliest days to the spiritual / transcendental style in his late films, ‘Voyage of Italy’ represents a combination of the two distinct style – with a consistent (albeit loosely told) storyline and the transcendental images such as a religious procession and natural landscape.

The story concerns an English couple, Alex Joyce (George Sanders) and Katherine Joyce (Ingrid Bergman), who travelled to Naples to deal with some business issues, and had an opportunity to do some sightseeing there. Yet, any fun in travelling soon gave way to domestic drama : Alex and Katherine had a strained relationship and throughout the journey that reached a breaking point. Both sides decided to keep some distance and therefore they parted way for a few days and did their own travelling instead. Alex spent his time, much like the characters in any 1960s films by Antonioni, and ended up achieving only emptiness in his soul. Katherine decided to immerse in the natural landscape and history of Naples and explored around the city. They eventually reached a common resolution though – a divorce was inevitable. Who would step in and save the day?

‘Journey of Italy’ is seen as a modernist film, a term much preferred by the forward-thinking filmmakers for the 1960s. Rossellini adopted a loose and episodic storyline for the film, and he also tried to enhance spontaneity by giving dialogues to the actors only shortly before shooting individual scenes. By eschewing rehearsal and preventing analysis, the actors could deliver an organic performance that resonated well with the episodic structure of the film.

Rossellini’s film not only influenced the young European filmmakers of the 1960s, it also exerted an observable influence on Michelangelo Antonioni’s films of the 1960s. The style and content of ‘Journey of Italy’ is very similar to Antonioni’s ‘L’Avventura’, and Rossellini’s use of landscapes to express transcendental or spiritual ideas was also emphasized by Antonioni in his work. Though the abandonment of a conventional story-telling approach, the usual peripheral landscape can be seen in a new light. The audience has to find active meanings through a new and unprecedented perspective, and that is the sentiment that gives the landscape an otherworldliness and ‘transcendence’, though not necessarily religious and spiritual by nature.

Speaking of perspective, ‘Journey of Italy’ is about a miracle that solved the English couple’s marriage problems. Alex and Katherine looked for alternatives for consolation of the soul. The film climaxed in a religious procession, where they miraculously reconciled and confirmed their love for each other. This is like a spiritual enlightenment for the couple, and the approach to show the scene is very similar to the miracle scene in Carl Theodor Dreyer’s ‘Ordet’, where the transcendental act is a portrayed like a spiritual black box. The final crane shot which showed the couple’s embrace testified their victory against a key problem in human relationships. 

What a brilliant masterpiece from the husband-and-wife team, Roberto Rossellini and Ingrid Bergman!

by Ed Law 

Film Analysis

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Venetian Odyssey


Great paintings often provide us a window to the past. They show us about the people of the past, and how their beliefs shape our world. In early February, I went to an exhibition about the paintings of the Venetian Renaissance. Taking place in the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the event featured paintings from the Venetian School, among Titian and other artists. This influential artistic school is unique in terms of style, when one compares it to the other contemporary schools in Italy. As I am always fascinated with the Renaissance, this serves as an odyssey to a bygone era.

In European history, the Renaissance represents a dawn of modernity. Human civilization has experienced a paradigm shift intellectually: the theologically- and monarchically-oriented Medieval Era was metamorphosed into the secular age of Humanism. The rediscovery of Greek and Latin Classics has rejuvenated the intellectual spirit that has motivated the endeavor of Man's inquisition into himself and his surroundings. 

That is, however, a caveat to this sentiment. While a certain perspective of the Renaissance tends to emphasize the humanistic dimension of the period, from the establishment of the city states to the Realistic political philosophy of Machiavelli; this view appears to overlook the religious and/or spiritual dimension of the era. The inspiring aspect about the Renaissance is the fine balance that was struck between the spiritual and the secular. One can realize this through the appreciation of the Venetian paintings.

Titian is considered as the most famous painter from the Venetian school. Through his portrayal of idealized feminine beauty, mythological / religious icons, natural landscapes and rural lives, he has revolutionized some of the themes prevalent in the school, and has also influenced many subsequent artists. Titian was in particular noted for his meticulous use of color to give depth and contrast to his work. Believe it or not, he has used almost all the readily available and rare pigments of his time. His ‘arsenal’ of color has certainly punched up his work!

Titian was among the first to work in the genre of ‘bella’, which showed portraits of idealized beauty. Often nude, always beautiful, the reclining body posture has become a Titian signature. The placement of a minor object was often highlighted by a sharp use of colour, which provided a contrast to the major theme. On the other hand, Titian expressed rich human emotions through his depiction of natural landscapes, an approach similar to the use of mise-en-scene in cinematic art.

Regarding these Venetian paintings, a more realistic feel can be observed, in contrast to the prior work from the Medieval era. Dynamic action like battles can be portrayed on a static canvas, and this represents a testament to the craftsmanship of the artists. The Renaissance painting has demonstrated the use of one-point perspective. The spiritual theme of a painting is organized in a symmetric manner, signifying divine providence and the rational order of the universe. The Venetian style shows a composition in depth similar to deep focus cinema. The foreground and background are shown with layered emphasis, and the human figures at different positions are all portrayed with clarity. 

A highly enjoyable experience!

by Ed Law
Conatus Classics

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

書 . 道 - 觀賞'翟仕堯書法展'

'放懷天地 - 翟仕堯書法展' @ 香港藝術館 (4-2-2024)


by Ed Law

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

新活日常 (Perfect Days)


德國電影大師Wim Wenders的作品-新活日常,將一個平凡人的生活描述得很不平凡。Wenders受小津安二郎的電影所啓發,而他亦對日本文化有颇深入獨到的體會,在比片亦有加以表述。





by Ed Law 

以戲服人 Film Analysis

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Three Faces of Rossellini

Roberto Rossellini was an interesting filmmaker because throughout his many decades of work from the 1940s to 1970s, he has expressed a few different, and in some case contradictory styles. While Rossellini would be remembered for being a pioneer in Italian Neorealism, he was also noted for the spirituality oriented work especially with Ingrid Bergman, and in the final years, his subdued historical films, which has achieved a documentary realism that some would consider undramatic or even boring to hell.  Watching his films from the Neorealist years, one can easily come to the impression that he was a rational and unsentimental sort of person. If you read his biography, you will find a very different picture that he was just like all of us, full of passion and emotion to things he enjoyed. One aspect that stood out was that Rossellini has found himself at odds with the world, and I suppose that is an attribute that is crucial for cutting edge and being a game changer.


In the 1940s, Rossellini, along with other filmmakers like Luchino Visconti and Victoria De Sica, pioneered the cinematic movement now known as Italian Neorealism. Many of the films in this movement would eventually influence the French New Wave and other younger generations at the 1960s and 1970s, and the Neorealists were retrospectively seen as revolutionary as they broke tradition from the American and European mainstream cinema before their times.


The context of the movement was that it was at the era of the Second World War, and Italy was under Fascist rule, which is of course the age where Bertolucci's The Conformist took place. Due to war the studios were closed and camera equipment was in scarcity. Facing with such challenges, the Neorealists decided to borrow equipment and shot their films predominantly on real locations, which was something unprecedented for previous cinema. On the other hand, the action was complimented by the use of non-professional actors to star in these films. The result was the capturing of an authentic reality that was absent from the films shot inside studio sets, and use of non-professional actors meant that they were able to deliver performance that were closer to their real life experiences. The cumulative effect in terms of approach was that the films of Neorealism could be able to get closer to the social issues at the time, without being indulging in a form of celluloid escapism. The documentary realism could clearly be felt in films like Rome Open City, Paisan, Bicycle Thieves, Germany Year Zero, Obsession and so on.


Rossellini has certainly adopted these general approaches, and his films were also known for de-dramatization, meaning that he did not deliberately heighten the dramatic aspect, he allowed it to unfold naturally. Picture a dinner table, if one wants to bring out the tension in the familial relationships, one does not have to stage the scene as if to expose a torrent of family feuds for the last 200 years. Nothing wrong with this per se yet that is just a very sentimental way to do so. If the conflict is inherent there, it can be brought out naturally in a de-dramatized way.

by Ed Law

Film Analysis

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

狂牛(Raging Bull)


'狂牛'(Raging Bull)是Martin Scorsese和Robert De Niro這個夢幻組合的傳世經典。拳師一朝得志,卻竟然步入自我毀滅的荊棘旅途。Scorsese最關注的人生課題: 男性身份,榮辱,道德救贖,全都在此片完美的闡釋。de Niro為藝術犧牲,當年增肥數十磅去演譯最終潦倒不堪的主角。當他在台上自嘲逗觀眾發笑時,大家又會否感慨,人生,有時真係得啖笑!值得一看再看的經典!

Sunday, 30 July 2023

阿諾舒華辛力加 (Schwarzenegger)

在荷里活,有一位頗為奇怪的人。這位男仕比其他人異常地健碩,很多人都稱他為'大隻佬'。他說的英語,亦帶有濃厚的歐洲口音。有些人會帶有惡意的模仿他,亦有些所謂偏重藝術的評論會說他表情木訥,演技欠佳。不過,幾隻吱喳麻雀,又怎能領略到雄鷹遊歷天地的志氣?這位大隻怪先生,不但破了當時男子健美比賽的多個紀錄,亦拍了不少賣座而優秀的電影。在其中一部,他飾演一個來自未來的殺手機器人。此片不但成為了科幻動作片的經典之作,亦令這位肌肉男演員與這個角色結下不解之緣。後來,他參政時更成為了某個美國大州的州長,為自己的事業帶來令一個巔峰。這個人當然怪,因為他的成就,相信是很多人連幻想到達不到的。他亦是啟蒙我對電影產生濃厚興趣的人。這個人當然就是我最崇拜的男演員- 阿諾.舒華辛力加(Arnold Schwarzenegger)了!

阿諾雖然算是荷里活電影中最耀目的一顆巨星,但其實他是一個奧地利人,英文並不是他的母語。這位來自奥地利一個小鎮的小伙子,卻有着宏遠廣大的理想,願意到夢想之地打拼一番大事業。他不是美國人,卻成為二十世紀最能彰顯'美國夢'理想的表表者!阿諾曾對其親友作個三大承諾:  移民到美國,成為一位演員,和成為共和黨黨員。他連中三元,不但在美國多度贏取健美先生的殊榮,確立了自己的地位,從影時更拍攝出多部至今仍膾炙人口的電影,開創了現代動作冒險電影的獨特風格與文法。後期在他從政時,更加攀上高峰,成為了加州的州長。一個真正的alpha male, 並不一定是甚麼高富帥,亦不需要像一隻孔雀一樣整天到處'演嘢'和自吹自擂。他們做到的,就是講得出來,一定會切實做到,因為他們的自信, 決心和毅力,就是他們最厲害的武器!



阿諾早年在健美界已小有名氣,但當他要轉型成為一位演員時,仍要多作付出。猶記得在網上看過一個阿諾在七十年代中期的電視訪問,可以看出其優良的性格特質。節目中的年輕男主持問他,為什麼會參加健身,是不是小時在奥地利家鄉被sand-kicked a lot , 意指被欺負。其實主持並無惡意,只是純粹幽默搞氣氛。阿諾即時幽主持人一默,說奥地利不是有很多沙,然後巧妙地轉移話題,講述自己健身是因為自己喜歡身體強健,及享受鍛鍊的過程等。比較心胸狹窄的人,可能就會因此感到冒犯。阿諾這個舉動,除了顯現了他的自信和出色的溝通能力外,亦展示了他那豁達的胸懷。這個當然和他胸部上豐滿的肌肉是無關的(說笑而已)。正正就是因為阿諾有這一種正向的心境,所以很多朋友,合作伙伴和粉絲都對他如此敬重。

我談到阿諾這個課題,想必你也會預測我會談他的代表作'未來戰士'吧?其實大家可能不知道,terminator這個角色,原本不是阿諾演的。他其實是被安排演Kyle Reese這角色。但導演占士金馬倫對這位肌肉演員抱有質疑。導演打算在會見阿諾的午餐會議中找籍口辭退他。豈料阿諾在會議中表現熱情,更主動提出了很多演terminator的看法,連金馬倫都登時對他刮目相看。金馬倫最終忍不住,叫阿諾'不要說了',拿起紙去描繪下阿諾的面部表情。回到公司,金馬倫宣佈,就由阿諾來演terminator吧!然後, the rest is history.  阿諾明明是演另一個角色,而他亦不像是謀着terminator這角色(因為他也不相信此片最終會獲得如此大的成功),但正正就是因為他的主動,以及勇於表達自己的想法,令自己可以贏得一個更好的機遇。阿諾和金馬倫,最終亦成為了一對成功的合作伙伴。


Happy Birthday, Arnold!

by Ed Law

以戲服人 Film Analysis 

Thursday, 13 July 2023

亡命鴛鴦 (They Live By Night)


最近,香港重映了美國導演尼古拉斯.雷(Nicholas Ray)的黑色電影'亡命鴛鴦'(They Live By Night)。Ray可算是美國四五十年代一位比較獨特的導演。他利用自己獨特的風格和選材,去挑戰四五十年代的主流價值,希望在主旋律的空間夾縫裡,找出演奏幾曲變調的契機!

'亡命鴛鴦'的片種,是在該年代十分流行的黑色電影。此片同之後的'雌雄大盗'(Bonnie and Clyde)有幾分相似,講述一對亡命男女相戀和在一個很糟的環境下掙扎求生的故事。Ray電影中的主要角色,偏向會選取一些比較underdog的小人物。而且此片背景是在美國南部,是一個普遍被認為比較落後的地方(這當然是一種偏見,屬於主流電影的stereotyping)。一如很多黑色電影的情節,此片大多數的劇情都是在夜晚發生,一些在社會邊緣所處身的氛圍。所以,本片的英文名稱'They Live By Night'亦頗為切題。

其實Nicholas Ray最初出道時,正值是黑色電影這個片種的黃金時代。當然,這個關於犯罪和一些潦倒小人物的片種,可謂一點都不陽光! 受到二戰時的黯淡氣氛,實用主義和無道德思想的影響,黑色電影往往涉及一些道德觀上富爭議性的反英雄人物。縱使Ray並不太屬於黑色電影的代表導演,但黑色電影中的一些試練,亦促成了Ray在五十年代的作品的獨特風格。例如黑色電影受德國的表現主義(German Expressionism)所啟發,以強烈對比的影像去烘托角色的內心世界和善惡的交鋒。Ray能夠成功地把表現主義引申到其彩世電影中,尤其是阿飛正傳(Rebel Without a Cause)中占士甸的紅衣形像,與及其角色與傳統思想的嚴重衝突。

另一點就是黑色電影中必定會出現的Femme Fatale角色。這種角色,剛剛與該時代流行的喜劇次片種Screwball Comedy中的女性角色有異曲同工之妙。事實上,這種'氣場女'角色亦被後世稱之為Hawksian Women。 她們往往出現在導演Howard Hawks的作品中(通常都由Lauren Bacall和Katherine Hepburn飾演),而Preston Sturges則是Screwball Comedy的大師。Hawks除了拍過不少黑色電影和西部片外,亦有拍過幾部Screwball comedy。 這種女性角色,往往都在戲中與男性角色的角力 (可以是喜劇形式)中顯得勢均力敵,亦打破了當時傳統以男性為主導的片種。尤其在黑色電影中,Femme Fatale往往比男主角知得更多:可能是一些不為人知的祕密或關鍵,顛覆了男性角色較能控制大局和有能力的傳統假設。Nicholas Ray在其五十年代的作品,延伸了這種想法。除了在電影中都有重要的女角外, 有些電影甚至為女性主導,例如'Johnny Guitar'看似一部西部片,其實是關於兩個女主角之間的較量。這樣處理的其中一個主要原因,是因為Ray對社會或文化作出批判時,頗喜歡以家庭作背景,所以女性身份是必定存在。

Nicholas Ray的破格,令美國五十年代的電影增添一份前所未有的新鮮感,顯得更pure更true。  難怪尚盧高達也說:

'And the cinema is Nicholas Ray.'

by Ed Law

以戲服人 Film Analysis

Saturday, 24 June 2023

去年在馬倫巴 (Last Year at Marienbad)


在香港舉行的’法國五月’活動中,重映了不少經典的法國電影。其中一部就是由左派法國新浪潮導演雷奈(Alain Resnais) 執導的經典電影’去年在馬倫巴’(Last Year at Marienbad)。此片在藝術電影世界享負盛名,原因是此片的意思極為難懂! 雷奈捨棄一般電影正路而富邏輯性的敘事結構,用跳躍式,不順序的敘事方式,再加上不少具夢幻風格的影像,令整部電影疑幻似真。雷奈曾經揚言,即使在戲院放映此片時把菲林的次序調亂,亦不會影響故事的發展,因為他創作此片, 根本沒有把敍事的邏輯放在考慮之列。這個說法恰恰同尚盧高達(Jean-Luc Godard)的一句名句相映成趣:電影當然是要有頭,中和尾;但不一定要這個次序!

說回雷奈。雷奈算是當年法國新浪潮的一位代表人物。但他並不屬於高達,杜魯福等為代表的一伙人。 他們自稱為Hitchcoockian- Hawksian, 因為他們尤其推崇希治閣和霍華德(Howard Hawks)的作品。 雷奈是較為接近迪美(Jacques Demy),華妲(Agnes Varda)等導演所屬的左岸派系。縱然如此,雷奈的風格可算是十分獨特。他的風格,明顯地受到如Marcel Proust等現代主義作家所影響,作品中都流露着如那些作者喜歡使用的意識流敘事風格。他的電影往往偏離於傳統的電影敘事法則,加上頗為着重人物內心的特寫,及思考外在世界和內心世界之間的微妙互動。所以,很多人會把雷奈和電影大師褒曼(Ingmar Bergman)和安東尼奧尼(Michelangelo Antonioni)相提並論。幾位電影作者的獨特風格,在二十世紀六七十年代的光影舞台爭妍鬥麗,開啟了歐州藝術電影史的重要一章。'砂之女'導演敕使河原宏,亦都深受雷奈的影響,在其不少作品亦能察覺到他和這位法國電影大師在風格上的互動。


可以加上一個最後的註腳,但由於背後概念深入,所以不宜在此詳談。法國哲學家德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)曾經寫過兩本關於電影發展的哲學書籍。此君在書中對雷奈致以近乎最高的評價,認為雷奈最能表現其推崇的電影藝術概念-'時間影像'(Time-Image)的電影大師。其實雷奈在其作品中,對時間具開創性的詮釋,就是他可以在電影藝術中佔一重要席位的原因。運用長鏡頭, 非線性敘事手法和夢幻式影像,會把觀眾抽離於理所當然的時間軸,令到觀眾從被動地接受敍事的前因後果,變成主動地建構故事,從而探索時間的本質。夢幻式影像跳脱了時間的基本法則,而長鏡頭摒棄了蒙太奇式剪接手法,令觀眾不用集中於電影人選擇性地想他們集中的情節部份,而原汁原味地感受整個過程,由時間自身去說故事。雷奈的電影,給予了觀眾在主流電影難以發揮到的想像空間。


by Ed Law

以戲服人 Film Analysis

Saturday, 10 June 2023

κέραμος : Art and Science of Greek Pottery


Ideas prevail through ages and eras, yet they are often too abstract for the human mind to perceive, and are all subject to diverse interpretations and unintentional distortions. After all, that is something concrete and material in nature that provides us a window into the past lives of our ancestors - provided that they survived the history's ‘wear-and-tear challenge’.  The importance of the preservation of heritage cannot be overstated - and indeed much of our knowledge of ancient civilizations are derived from the studies and analysis of these artifacts from a long, long time ago. Let's talk about something that is hard enough to stand the test of time - the ceramics from ancient Greece!

Now, it is not mere wordplay when we say ceramics are hard. The pottery ceramic that we will focus on belongs to a large group of chemical compounds termed as ceramics. In terms of chemical composition, they are often some sort of clay or metal oxides, in particular for the pottery, they are often aluminum oxide or silicon dioxide. Due to the molecular arrangement, ceramics tend to be hard. Yet, their chemical structure also dictates them to be brittle, thus they can fracture and break into pieces easily. This property is in contrast to other sort of polymeric and elastic material, which possesses the resilience to ‘bounce back’ due to their more flexible molecular structure. For the production of ceramic pottery, they are mostly conducted through a general 2-stage approach.  The process starts with the preparation of a homogeneous and viscous paste, which is then submitted to firing - baking at a high temperature - to afford the final pottery product.  

The word ‘ceramic’ is derived from the Greek word κεραμικός , which means ‘of or for pottery’. Indeed the Greek demiogod Ceramus was designated as the protector of potters and pottery. of potters. Though the production of pottery in Greece can be dated as early as the Mycenaean  era, it is important to appreciate that the Greek civilization was certainly not the first to engage in the art of pottery. After all, the ancient Greek culture is relatively young when it is compared to the ancient river valley civilizations. Pottery and ceramic products were prevalent in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China. One should not be surprised to find out that the applications of the ceramic products were all very similar among different civilizations. From anthropology and comparative religion, it is evident that there has been some interactions between different civilizations. The Babylonians have had some interactions with Egyptians, and the latter's influence on the Greek culture is well-known. The appreciation of pottery has been extended to later time and Roman ceramics represent an important heritage of the Roman Empire. From my previous article, it can also be seen that  the Romans were also well versed in the production of building materials, where the basic approach is still applied to nowadays. 

The applications of pottery in the ancient world went hand-in-hand with the daily life of the people. The most obvious application was as various utensils and containers. The pottery products varied, and the exceedingly large-sized pottery products were to be placed at permanent locations. The more portable-sized ones can be moved around easily and thus they were used in day-to-day situations.

A more important application of the pottery products was for the diverse religious activities. While this issue may sound less relevant to a modern secular audience, the religious outlook was very important for the ancient Greeks, and indeed for any ancient civilizations. The key is that these activities often facilitate community formation for the civilization in question, and they served as a catalyst for the establishment of a cultural identity. The ceramics were used in various religious ceremonies, rituals and funerals. A classic example is the act of libation, which means the ritual pouring of wine to a deity or a spirit, often serving the memories of the dead. These pottery products are important because they give the modern people tools to reconstruct the details of the religious cults themselves. Often the vases were painted with images that described the myths and legends of the ancient civilizations. Through the analysis and interpretations of the paintings on the vases, scholars can decipher the secrets of a bygone era. The study of ancient artifacts is a large subject in its own right and I will not digress here.

The ancient Greek ceramics embrace Classical Ideals in terms of form and composition. The appearance and style reflect the Greek mindset, which is also evident in other art forms such as lyric poetry, tragedies and philosophy. If you have a chance to go to exhibitions that feature these great ancient artifacts, go for it. That is the best way you can have a satisfying peek about the ancient world! 

by Ed Law 

Conatus Classics

Saturday, 3 June 2023

梅維爾 - Le Silence de la Mer


如果與敵人共處一室,你會作何感受?但如果這位所謂的敵人,能夠用其識見和真誠去打動你,那你又會否有一種否惺惺相惜之感? 不用擔心,今次我不是又談什麼雙雄片,我是談這裡的一位常客 - 梅維爾 (Jean-Pierre Melville)的一部早期作品 – ‘Le Silence de la Mer’ (The Silence of the Sea)。

我們所熟悉的梅維爾,都是擅長拍攝一些風格冷峻,涉及殺手或者販夫走卒的犯罪電影。不過在沉醉於冷色調畫布之前,梅維爾亦有拍攝過一些其他類型的電影。這些電影雖然在題材上南轅北轍,但其實梅維爾已經在嘗試和揣摩自己獨特的風格套路。’Le Silence de la Mer’是一部發生在二次大戰納粹黨佔領法國時的電影,有不少人認為此片的風格頗為’Bressonian’ (羅伯特布烈松Robert Bresson的風格)。因為梅維爾的電影是早於布烈松的作品,所以這位語出驚人的犯罪片大師認為是布烈松抄襲了其風格,亦曾對此事作出批判!

故事發生在納粹德國佔領法國期間。一位名叫Werner的德國軍官,負責駐守在一間住了一位老先生和其姪女的房子,以便對他們作出監視。老先生和女生深知自己不能對敵軍權和槍炮,於是便用了一種更為高端的對抗手法 - 絕對的沉默。他們坐在客廳,對Werner視若無睹,一語不發,完全漠視其存在。不過這個Werner亦不是什麼’希魔打手’。此君不但精通法語,而且深深體會法國的文化和歷史。每一天,他都會禮貌地去’撩’老先生和女生談話。他暢談自己鍾情的法國文學,音樂和藝術,雖然對着的是兩尊不動於山的法國人像。但人終究不是蠟像,是為情感所操控。Werner今晚一場的獨腳戲,又會否成功地打動兩個在意識形態上敵對的普通人呢?

梅維爾這電影,最首要的大義就是告訴我們不應一竹篙打一船人。Werner可謂當時德意志的一股清泉。他深知要服從軍令,但他其實亦是滿腔理想主義,希望德國和法國結合後會有一種文化上的交融效果(事實上尼采也曾有類似的論說,可以算是一種文化上的’歐盟’)。但在現在看來,Werner的想法當然是大錯特錯! 因為納粹德國的動機,明顯是為了殲滅某些民族而發起各種侵略。Werner肯定是一個忠於自己國家的人,但同時他亦希望不同的民族有着文化上的良性互動,他的思歪行為,只能算是當局者迷。有些功利主義的人會認為Werner的想法很天真,很傻,但我相信在現實中更可悲的是,有太少像Werner這樣的人存在。梅維爾的電影並不冷酷,因為他時時刻刻都想刻劃複雜的人性。和布烈松一樣,他只是用一種不濫情的手法去烘托情感,除去表演式的浮誇,描述情感 – ‘as it is’。

那我們的真心膠Werner, 又有沒有反思的空間呢? Werner執行任務其間,進行了一次外勤。當他終於親眼看見了他所信奉的意識形態的廬山真面目後,頓感意興闌珊,可謂’悟以往之不諫’。他難以相信自己的理想和殘酷的現實竟會有這樣的落差。Werner深感愧疚,决定離開老先生的家。不過,女生其實早已為這位不一樣的德國人所感動。在梅維爾的作品中,亞倫狄龍,尤蒙頓等演員面上一個細微的微表情,其實已隱藏千言萬語!此片也是一樣,梅維爾有意無意地展視女生的細微動作,不論是用手指輕敲椅子旁的扶手,或是她突然的抬起頭來,這就是最有力的行動。女生有這樣的體會,是因為她看透了在意識形態以外的共通點:人與人之間共同地相信的良善,這與Jean Renoir的’大幻影’ (The Grand Illusion)中所抒發的想法實為異曲同工。最後Werner離開時,跟他們說了一句再會,女生終於金口一開,對Werner說了一聲: 再會。一句看似不足道的說話,竟然就是對一個人所作的最大肯定。表露情感時,不用像那些韓劇般永遠使用一些煽情大喊包,這就是我們說梅維爾電影’型’的地方了!


by Ed Law

以戲服人 Film Analysis

Friday, 19 May 2023

想一想: 一位盲子抱着他僅可依靠的一尊佛像, 伴着他只有地上如煉獄般的慘況。 那會是一個怎麽樣的世界? 一個字: 亂!

'亂' Ran)是黑澤明1985年的偉大作品。 它與‘影武者’就如一對雙生兒,而且風格上兩片亦都是十分接近的。 ‘亂’根據史實改編, 故事情節亦與莎士比亞的‘李爾王’ (King Lear)十分相似。

一文字幕府之首秀虎(仲代達矢飾演)有退位之意, 便把權力分給三位兒子-孝虎, 正虎和直虎。 秀虎拴起了三根箭, 勸戒三人要兄弟同心。 但是, 秀虎本身卻難佔道德高地: 因為他的天下, 是他不擇手段地奪回來的, 不知多少無辜者因而血流成河。 唯一清醒的三子直虎把拴起的箭折斷, 以圖勸諫父親人性的現實。 秀虎卻以為直虎是為不孝, 便將其流放。 大子孝虎掌權後, 其妻楓之方立即挑撥離間, 旨意孝虎趕絕其父親。 原來, 當年秀虎下令殺掉楓之方的家人, 她便乘機報復。 孝虎趕走父親, 秀虎唯有向二子正虎求助。 但正虎似乎視秀虎為爭鬥的籌碼多於其親父。 秀虎流離失所, 唯有到已被棄置的直虎城堡暫避。 豈料大子二子聯軍夾攻, 他一度企圖自盡, 失敗後幾近精神分裂。 而二子的部下亦乘亂把兄長孝虎射殺!

秀虎在荒野中流浪,重遇了他的親人鶴丸- 秀虎當年下令刺盲了他。 而楓之方得寸進尺, 要求正虎殺掉其妻, 幸得其部下阻止。 遠在他方的三子直虎知道了父親的事, 便回程找他,觸發了他和兄長的一場衝突。 他倆可不知道, 他們的共同敵人早已磨拳擦掌, 準備坐享漁人之利。 一場混亂之後, 直虎終與秀虎重逢, 但直虎卻被兄長的手下伏擊而死。 秀虎的生命亦走到了盡頭。好人無好報’, 但壞蛋也難逃審判 楓之方被處死, 正虎與其部下全被殲滅, 一文字幕府就此覆亡。 最後, 盲子鶴丸抱着佛像, 企圖察看周圍。 他一鬆手, 佛像跌入無底深淵。 黑澤明的無情, 只是反映了他對人性的絕望。

在攝影風格上,亂’片裏有大量中長鏡頭, 那不近人情的天皇又一次阻止我們和片中的角色有任何認同。 在天上烏雲密佈之際, 無人感受到警示; 到狂風暴雨來臨, 眾人都閃避不及。 剩下的, 只有着火焚燒的古堡, 兩女互刺, 壯士斷臂, 以及一系列充滿暴力的蒙太奇。 在此, 黑澤明塑造出一種近乎末世的慘況。

說到父王秀虎, 不禁會令人想起莎士比亞筆下的李爾王。 但细看之下, 兩人其實不盡相同。 李爾王最多只可以說是一個不懂明辨是非的膠人。 但秀虎可是五十步笑百步, 自己的道德觀也令人敬而遠之。 不過這又完全是他的錯嗎? 在‘亂’片中, 黑澤明給予我們一個冷漠的無道德(amoral)世界。 裏面的人各懷鬼胎, 只顧奪取自己奢望的名利。 這些人心中並没有任何道德觀念, 他們不斷侵犯一個又一個的倫理法規,更遑論會有像‘羅生門’最後樵夫的那種良知!‘亂’的世界,就只被虚無主義主宰。當秀虎被兩位兒子背叛後, 他企圖剖腹自盡。 但是剩下的只有一把殘劍, 他連保衞自己名譽的機會也没有。 人性的諷刺, 莫過於此。

人們已病入膏肓, 那神又可以拯救世人嗎?很多人認為黑澤明作品裏流露着一種無神論(Atheism)的看法。 但在‘亂’片中, 黑澤明並不否定神的存在。 他的看法比較貼近希臘哲學家伊壁鳩魯(Epicurus)的學說 Epicureanism) 伊壁鳩魯亦不否定神, 但他認為神在我們的生命中是沒有任何角色的。 所以, 即使神確實存在, 也不會影響世人的道德觀念, 而人們就更加不用害怕神。亂’片裏的神看到人們只會做一些自毁的行為, 除了痛心流淚外, 還可以怎樣? 在片末, 鶴丸手上的一尊神像, 也要墮落到凡人剩下的麈囂上。 黑澤明之亂, 充滿着警世的意味。


教父導演哥普拉(Francis Ford Coppola)曾經說過:

"One thing that distinguishes Akira Kurosawa that he didn't make a masterpiece or two masterpieces, he made, you know, eight masterpieces."

黑澤明作品, 都有資格問鼎Masterpiece的席位。 黑澤明非凡的實力, 使他贏得了‘天皇’的美譽。 如果你真是對電影藝術有興趣的話, 又怎能不看黑澤明的電影?!

by Ed Law
以戲服人 Film Analysis