Friday 15 January 2016

2015以戲服人大集合 (3) - 極度深焦

Can you see the trio at the bottom right? Charles Foster Kane may not want you to see them, but Orson Welles definitely wants you to.

在去年不少的以戲服人文章, 我都有談到深焦(deep focus)這種攝影風格。 採用深焦的手法, 是為了令觀眾對世事有較為客觀的體會; 對世情抱有更具統攝性的觀點。 Erich von Stroheim, Jean Renoir, Orson Welles, John Ford, William Wyler 的電影, 看似處於很遙遠的年代; 不過, 它們的影響, 在今天的電影裏依然是若隱若現。懂得抽離, 或許就是探索人性真貌的不二法門!

Citizen Kane - Orson Welles

Rules of The Game - Jean Renoir

The Grand Illusion - Jean Renoir

The Magnificent Ambersons - Orson Welles

Greed - Erich von Stroheim

The Best Years of Our Lives - William Wyler

The Renoir Legacy - Pierre Auguste and Jean Renoir

by Ed Law